1st place photo at Lincoln Gallery

Sep 13, 2019 | Exhibition, Narrative, Portraits, Showcase, Travel

By Raj Manickam

‘Drama of the Dance’ was taken in the Northern Peninsular of Sri Lanka. The atmosphere was simply electrifying. The scene was just perfect with the background threesome barely visible in the cloud of smoke from a fire ceremony. This photo has won several accolades in different cities in the state and also out of Colorado.

At Lincoln Gallery in Loveland, Colorado, Drama of Dance took 1st place in Photography. The annual show was open to all regional artists residing in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Montana, Washington, Oregon, California, and Nevada.

400 entries were submitted from these Western US states. Works include Oil, Watercolor, Pastel, Drawing, Mixed Media, Acrylic, 3D works, Sculpture, and Photography.



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