Art In Time of Corona
As the title goes every artist and photographer lands on yet another challenge. This time a Pandemic. Henri Matisse once said, “Creativity takes courage.” Andy Warhol puts out a notion that time changes things and but he adds one has actually to change in time themselves. So we all adapt and improvise in the Pandemic. One of my projects in the Corona Series was documenting the early stages of Coronavirus-caused lockdown. As an essential worker, with a shared understanding of my role and my town’s approval, I recorded several stillness and scenes of quietude.
It was the day after the lockdown was announced in my town. People were not restricted in totality, and enforcement was not absolute, yet uncertainty and fear reign. Streets were empty, shops and restaurants closed with hastily made up hand-written signs. “Open” light signs remained lit unintended. The town’s three roundabouts have long intervals before any cars made their turns. The morning work hustle and bustle vanished. Birds that have always occupied the three separate cables above the bridge were perched as they always do in the mornings. They may have wondered, “What happened, is this Sunday, are we out too early?” Little did we know then, that we all were about to confront change and adapt to time. ‘Art In Time Of Corona‘ in some similarity to Matisse’s word takes creativity and courage.
Honoring In Silence
This photo was taken in an empty parking lot between two large big boxes storefront. The start of the lockdown could not have been gloomier. Snowfall trickle in almost slow-motion, slowly blanketing the asphalt and almost coating the parking lot striping. A single-car, missing all the most convenient spots near the store, makes its way back to the far end of the lot. Evidence of the car’s new winter tire threads curves on snow heading far behind and making a stop right under the ‘stars and stripes.’ The Star-Spangled Banner waving in the wind must have given solace enticing the lone driver. There, under the Red, White, and Blue, someone was Honoring In Silence. This image was selected for Art In Time Of Corona – Volume 1 by Dab Art – Los Angeles.
About the Dab Art Project: The goal of this innovative project is to record and exhibit (in real-time) defining artwork created during civil uncertainty. The hope is to unite viewers and help them find the sanctity, comfort, and inspiration needed to heal a world in turmoil.
Other works of Dab Art ( Los Angeles, Venture, and Mexico City) can be found here