January 25, 2024

Coronavirus has transformed all our lives. In such a short time, our movement was restricted, our routine was disrupted, and familiarity shifted. A life-threatening virus challenges our very existence. And it is not even a living organism!

Our fear and uncertainties came all at once. Breaking news and blaring broadcasts fed our weak insecurity. Out of fear and doubt, we shared and spread our emotions to balance the burden we shoulder. We noticed ourselves reacting more frequently instead of responding. We protest the most trivial matters. Our uncertainty drove us to stockpile food and supplies and, in most cases, seize unnecessary quantities. The shelter-in-place and restricted movement arrest our better-thinking faculties. We blame others and become judgemental. What is thrown upon us is not familiar. We have never been here before. Read more HERE


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Join us for an enchanting evening of art, drinks, and hors d'oeuvres at the All in Good Light Gallery!

Friday, August 30th, 5:00 pm. to 7:30 pm.



The Gallery officially opens on August 9, 2024, and will open its doors on weekdays between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and by appointment on weekends for private showing. Calling Raj at (970) 904-2409 would be appreciated.

All in Good Light Gallery


Sangre de Cristo Art Center Exhibit 2022

I am pleased to announce my exhibit at The Sangre de Cristo Arts Center in Pueblo, Colorado in the in the King Gallery on January 22 through May 7, 2022. This is collective exhibit featuring Photo Pensato with my fellow artists with various styles and techniques. The group is inspired to create images that reflect our unique and personal perspectives. Eight artist including Ron Johnson, Stephen Podrasky, John Shelton, Linda Little, James Montague, Michael Trupiano, Aimee McCrory and Raj Manickam will showcase our works of fine photography.


Sangre de Cristo Arts Center is located at 210 N. Santa Fe Ave. Pueblo, CO 81003 | 719.295.7200

The press release for the exhibit is downloadable here.


Sangre de Cristo Art Center Exhibit 2022

I am pleased to announce my exhibit at The Sangre de Cristo Arts Center in Pueblo, Colorado in the in the King Gallery on January 22 through May 7, 2022. This is collective exhibit featuring Photo Pensato with my fellow artists with various styles and techniques. The group is inspired to create images that reflect our unique and personal perspectives. Eight artist including Ron Johnson, Stephen Podrasky, John Shelton, Linda Little, James Montague, Michael Trupiano, Aimee McCrory and Raj Manickam will showcase our works of fine photography.


Sangre de Cristo Arts Center is located at 210 N. Santa Fe Ave. Pueblo, CO 81003 | 719.295.7200

The press release for the exhibit is downloadable here.

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