My art of photography starts with the art of observation. The act of observation comes from paying attention to one’s environment.
For years, I have noticed the kinds of images others might let pass without a second glance. Today, missed images have no longer escaped my lens ever since then.
My photos range in subject from the environment to human interest depiction. These images often partner with essays that tell even more of the narratives. I often find the engagement between the image and the story. Fundamentals of fine art, abstract, storytelling, and deep awareness emerge in a variety of my frames.
With photography, I sometimes plan, and at times, I wander. Often, I also saunter in the wrong direction. I am drawn to places where I am mostly in quietude, even amongst people.
My photography starts with the art of observation. The act of observation comes from paying attention to one’s environment. I’m using that element of the witness consciously. My photos are my voice first. After it leaves my lens and shows up on a screen or paper, it becomes, or may then be, someone else’s voice and interpretation.
I capture everything from sudden moments to everyday occurrences and translate them into fine yet relatable art. I strive to shine a light on the reality of the human experience through composition and honest storytelling. I am using my eastern culture’s rich language and over two decades of western point-of-view to draw in my viewers and tell a uniquely framed story. All in good light!

by Raj Manickam | Jul 26, 2020