The Lost Glove

The Lost Glove

In the hush of a winter's walk, My glove fell silent in the snow's soft talk, One stayed behind where I had thought, As I journeyed on, heedless, unsought. By the river's edge, where light does play, In hopes to capture some fleeting ray, Unnoticed, my lost glove lay...

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Uncertainty and Hope – at Lens Culture

Coronavirus has transformed all our lives. In such a short time, our movement was restricted, our routine was disrupted, and familiarity shifted. A life-threatening virus challenges our very existence. And it is not even a living organism! Our fear and uncertainties...

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Avon Exhibition

The month of July will again showcase my ‘Wonder in the Woods series with some new editions. It will still be in line with the Colorado Aspen and some Pine trees. However,  I have been working on taking different Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) photos of reeds,...

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